The 2001 FECC Conference    
   the USA Delegation  

The Polish delegation sends a large contingent in preparation for hosting the 
2002 FECC Conference
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Governor's Reception
Saint Petersburg / Pushkin Russia 2001
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FECC USA Representative visits San Francisco City Hall

Entrance to City Hall San Francisco



left: Willie Brown, Mayor of San Francisco, presents a proclamation honoring FECC to Odessa Pegus, General Deputy-USA

below: Henry Van der Kroon, President of FECC receives proclamation at General Assembly in Saint Petersburg.


 FECC Representative Harrri Engstrand ( Finland) 
 in front of 
  Pushkin City Hall  


Igor Gabrushkin (Russia) introduces the head of the 
 Polish delegation. 
(note Henry Van der Kroon in foreground)

There was a large group from Poland, including 3 mayors, present to accept the baton.

Polish Delegation:Contact info


The Polish Delegation  
at a Press conference in St. Petersburg

See you all in Zakopane, Poland in 2002.


FECC Governor's Reception 

 Governor of St. Petersburg 
  hosts the FECC  

Governor, Henry Van der Kroon (FECC President), Russian interpreter, 
Igor Gabrushkin (FECC-Russia), Leif Hallberg (FECC-Norrkoping Sweden), unknown

The Governor greets FECC members

FECC USA Representative Odessa Pegus 
far right


Center Igor GAVRUISHKIN ( President FECC-Russia)

with Governor of Saint Petersburg