2001 - Carnaval comes to Palace Square

Palace Square is located behind the Hermitage - Winter
palace of the Tsars
The First Russian Revolution
The first major disaster happened on January 9, 1905. A crowd of
workers led by the Orthodox priest Father Gapon marched to Palace Square
with a peaceful petition asking for better working conditions. Troops
opened fire on the marchers and in the ensuing panic about one hundred
died and thousands were wounded in what came to be known as "Bloody
Sunday." Even without U2 around to sing about it the country rose up
in protest and there were mutinies, murders of landowners and
industrialists, strikes, and enough general hubbub to force Nicholas to
make some concessions in order to avert total disaster. The tsar issued
the so-called "October Manifesto" which established a
constitutional body (called the Duma) and promised civil rights and
liberties to all, though Nicholas eventually went back on most of these
promises and political tension continued to build until 1914 when an
external threat gave him a temporary reprieve. |