
Trinity Cathedral (Troitsky sobor) inside the Kremlin

The FECC received a warm welcome in Pskov
Henry Van der Kroon FECC president (center) & Katja Tatarinova (Pskov host - left)


Odessa Pegus (USA) with the kids

Two FECC members in the Kermlin

Chris Collins (USA) in the Kremlin grounds

Part of the wall (left) and the view from inside one of the guard posts with Wendy Collins(USA) (below)

Sue Collins (USA) is stretching in front of the office of a
Russian Monastery & icon workshop.  
We were very luck to get a tour of the workshop while we waited to gain entrance to the 13th century church. 

 Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Savior - Mirozhsky Monastery
12th Century Chapel - UNESCO site.

After sightseeing, we were treated to a show with the flavor of Pskov carnaval.
Tom Collins (USA) poses with the three onion dome girls, from the show.


This page has a beautiful picture of the Pskov countryside.


There are pictures of Russian landscape and wildlife.  

The home page is a picture of the photographer 
He is looking for a wife



  This site Has some nice pictures and one Visitors perspective on Pskov 

This is the official Pskov web site

Includes an interactive map

Interactive Table of Contents


Map of old Pskov(click here)
, a regional center in the North-West Russia, is one of the oldest cities in the Russian state, whose history is 1100 years old. It was first mentioned in chronicles in the year of 903. Chronicles and local legends connect the foundation of Pskov with the name of the Holy Princess Olga, the first Russian Christian woman and a wise governor of Russia.

During 1100 years of existence Pskov witnessed many significant events that had vital importance in the history of Russian state and stood guard on Russian land borders.

Pskov contributed greatly to the history and culture of the Russian people.

During the ages the Pskovites have created their own special culture which became an integral part of the Old Russian culture. This is reflected in the literary works and masterpieces of the Pskovian school of Old Russian painting. In Pskov and its suburbs over 100 monuments of medieval  architecture have remained undamaged. Among them are the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Savior built in 1156 and decorated by world famous murals in the Mirozhsky monastery, the Trinity Cathedral, the heart of Pskov built in the 17th century and dozens of churches from 12th to 19th centuries. Pskov Museum possesses a precious collection of over 700 icons from the 15th century.

No wonder Pskov is called a city – museum.

There is a natural combination of ancient monuments (fortified walls with towers of XV-XVI centuries, churches of a peculiar Pskov style, monasteries and merchants’ chambers) and modern buildings.

Modern Pskov is not only ancient history and original architecture. It is also marvelous pure nature as the city is surrounded by numerous forests and lakes.