We caught the train from South Station to Framingham.
(this was 6 miles from the start.
Evan was advised to take the train and start part way in by a race official.)
From Framingham it is 20 miles to the finish.

Evan with his cell phone and wrist strap. 
This was our only means of communication during the race.

Evan and Sam
stretch and apply Band-Aids in preparation for the race.

We watch the first women pass. 
Evan and Sam join the race right behind the Kenyans who look back in fear. 

Sam & Evan
running the Boston Marathon.

Age is no barrier for some. 

Lots of people were out to support their friends a & family.

I had lunch in Framingham
while waiting for the next train back to Boston.

The train was packed with race supporters.  The race was parallel to the train.  We had a front row seat for the race most of the way into Boston.
Above you can see the runners in the distance.

Finally we meet up after the race.

Evan was tired but had no major physical complaints.
  Both Evan and Sam polished off their chowder in no time. 
Must have been hungry.


Back and Body Care
3004 16th Street, # 303
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 626-3099