Salvador Bahia 

We stayed at a beautifully restored Posada in Salvador.

Our room had a shaded rooftop balcony with a hammock.




The highlight of Salvador carnaval for me was when group of woman in their 60's, forced me to change into one of their group t-shirts, making me an honorary member of their group.  Next I was dragged into the square and forced to dance and parade with them around the square.  

I was warned many times about the dangers of Brazil but this is not what I expected.

The Pelourino(square) was dressed up for carnaval

Meeting these ladies 
was a highlight of the trip.

They gave me a t-shirt and insisted that I 
join their group for a parade around the Pelourino.

Baianas, dressed in white, sell food on the street.


There is no amplified music allowed in the Pelourino.  
The crowd includes families and kids in costume.