A highlight of the trip was the boat trip on
Lake Catemaco
Click here for a map
(it is a big file & loads slow)

Our guide makes an ornament of a water lily leaf.

This island is shaped like a man lying on his back.
From the right head , nose, big belly, legs,
remember the kids game game "Operation."

The night before our boat trip Chris had an 8 step treatment.
the setting was a series of thatch roof huts, located on the lake. 
A series of garden paths connected the huts.  
The treatment included:

  • A mud massage

  • Mud fascial mask

  • Oatmeal hair scrub

  • Baking the mud dry in front of a mud oven 
    ( The "oven" had a beautiful view of the lake)

  • Shower off the mud

  • Hydro massage

  • Mescal sweat lodge
    (30 minutes in a natural sauna)

  • Soak in an herbal pool

  • Herbal foot soak with a cup of hot tea

3 hours of pampering for $30.00.  
I guess you can tell this was a highlight for me.

The Name of the SPA is Temazcal Privado
(reservation came be made by calling (294) 943-0456 or e-mail ecoparque@hotmail.com)

This spot did facial masks, note the green faced boy.

Many places surrounding the lake used the volcanic soil for natural mud treatments, note the woman coated in mud.

Monkey's from Thailand were brought in and now inhabit a few islands.  They can't swim far enough to get off the island so they don't interact with the native species in the area

Evan's favorite part of the lake was monkey Island

The monkeys seem extremely happy.  
They put on a great display, jumping from branch to branch, 
falling in the water, 
coming up with wet droopy fur 
and swimming a foot or two back to shore to do it again.  

This is one of the mud bath establishments on the lake.  
They still have some relics from the filming on Medicine Man, Staring Sean Connery. 

A fisherman in the Lake at Catemaco